Source code for do_mpc.model._linearmodel

#   This file is part of do-mpc
#   do-mpc: An environment for the easy, modular and efficient implementation of
#        robust nonlinear model predictive control
#   Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Sergio Lucia, Alexandru Tatulea-Codrean
#                        TU Dortmund. All rights reserved
#   do-mpc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   do-mpc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with do-mpc.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import pdb
import warnings
from scipy.signal import cont2discrete
from . import Model
from typing import Union
import as castools

# Define what is included in the Sphinx documentation.
__all__ = ['LinearModel']

[docs]class LinearModel(Model): """The **do-mpc** LinearModel class. This class is inherited from **do-mpc** model class. This class holds the full model description and is at the core of :py:class:`do_mpc.simulator.Simulator`, :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC`, :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.LQR` and :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.Estimator`. This class can be used to define the linear time invariant models in both continuous and discrete time. The :py:class:`LinearModel` class is created with setting the ``model_type`` (continuous or discrete). A ``continous`` linear model consists of an underlying ordinary differential equation (ODE) .. math:: \\dot{x}(t) &= Ax(t)+Bu(t),\\\\ y &= Cx(t)+Du(t) whereas a ``discrete`` linear model consists of a difference equation. .. math:: x_{k+1} &= Ax_k+Bu_k,\\\\ y_k &= Cx_k+Du_k The **do-mpc** linear model can be initiated with ``SX`` variable type. Note: The option ``symvar_type`` will be inherited to all derived classes (e.g. :py:class:`do_mpc.simulator.Simulator`, :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC` and :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.Estimator`). All symbolic variables in these classes will be chosen respectively. **Configuration and setup:** Configuring and setting up the :py:class:`LinearModel` involves the following steps: Model can be setup in two different ways. The first method is as follows: 1. Use :py:func:`set_variable` to introduce new variables to the linear model. 2. Optionally introduce "auxiliary" expressions as functions of the previously defined variables with :py:func:`set_expression`. The expressions can be used for monitoring or be reused as constraints, the cost function etc. 3. Optionally introduce measurement equations with :py:func:`set_meas`. The syntax is identical to :py:func:`set_expression`. By default state-feedback is assumed. 4. Define the right-hand-side of the `discrete` or `continuous` model as a function of the previously defined variables with :py:func:`set_rhs`. This method must be called once for each introduced state. 5. Call :py:func:`setup` to finalize the :py:class:`LinearModel`. No further changes are possible afterwards. The second method is as follows: 1. Use :py:func:`set_variable` to introduce new variables to the linear model. 2. Optionally introduce "auxiliary" expressions as functions of the previously defined variables with :py:func:`set_expression`. The expressions can be used for monitoring or be reused as constraints, the cost function etc. 3. Call :py:func:`setup` and pass the system dynamics matrices as arguments instead of setting up the right hand side equations and measurement equations to finalize the :py:class:`LinearModel`. No further changes are possible afterwards. Note: All introduced model variables are accessible as **Attributes** of the :py:class:`Model`. Use these attributes to query to variables, e.g. to form the cost function in a seperate file for the MPC configuration. Args: model_type : Set if the model is ``discrete`` or ``continuous``. symvar_type : Set if the model is configured with CasADi ``SX`` variables (default). Raises: assertion: model_type must be string assertion: model_type must be either discrete or continuous """ def __init__(self, model_type:str=None, symvar_type:str='SX'): super().__init__(model_type, symvar_type) if symvar_type == 'MX': raise ValueError("class LinearModel can be initialized only with SX variable.") @property def sys_A(self)->np.ndarray: """State matrix. This property provides the state matrix in the numerical array format. Accessible only after model is setup. """ assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'Attributes are available after the model is setup.' return self._A @property def sys_B(self)->np.ndarray: """Input matrix. This property provides the input matrix in the numerical array format. Accessible only after model is setup. """ assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'Attributes are available after the model is setup.' return self._B @property def sys_C(self)->np.ndarray: """Output matrix. This property provides the output matrix in the numerical array format. Accessible only after model is setup. """ assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'Attributes are available after the model is setup.' return self._C @property def sys_D(self)->np.ndarray: """Feedforward matrix. This property provides the feedforward matrix in the numerical array format. Accessible only after model is setup. """ assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'Attributes are available after the model is setup.' return self._D def set_rhs(self, name:str, rhs:castools.SX)->None: """ Checks if the right-hand-side function is linear and calls :meth:`Model.set_rhs`. Args: name : Reference to previously introduced state names (with :py:func:`LinearModel.set_variable`) rhs : CasADi SX function depending on ``_x``, ``_u``, ``_tvp``, ``_p``. """ # Check if expression is linear if castools.evalf(castools.jacobian(rhs, castools.vertcat(self.x, self.u))).is_constant(): super(LinearModel, self).set_rhs(name, rhs, process_noise=True) else: raise ValueError("Given rhs is not linear.") def set_meas(self, name:str, meas:castools.SX)->None: """ Checks if the measurement function is linear and calls :meth:`Model.set_meas`. Args: name : Arbitrary name for the given expression. Names are used for key word indexing. meas : CasADi SX function depending on ``_x``, ``_u``, ``_tvp``, ``_p``. """ # Check if expression is linear if castools.evalf(castools.jacobian(meas, castools.vertcat(self.x, self.u))).is_constant(): super(LinearModel, self).set_meas(name, meas, meas_noise=True) else: raise ValueError("Measurement function is not linear.") def set_alg(self, expr_name, expr, *args, **kwargs): """ Warnings: This method is not supported for linear models. """ raise NotImplementedError('Algebraic variables are not supported for linear models.') def setup(self,A:np.ndarray=None, B:np.ndarray=None,C:np.ndarray=None,D:np.ndarray=None)->None: """Setup method must be called to finalize the modelling process. All required model variables must be declared. The right hand side expression for ``_x`` can be set with :py:func:`set_rhs` or can be set by passing the state matrix and input matrix in :py:func:`setup`. Sets default measurement function (state feedback) if :py:func:`set_meas` was not called or output matrix, feedforward matrix are not passed in :py:func:`setup`. Warnings: After calling :py:func:`setup`, the model is locked and no further variables, expressions etc. can be set. Raises: assertion: Definition of right hand side (rhs) is incomplete Args: A : State matrix (optional) B : Input matrix (optional) C : Output matrix (optional) D : Feedforward matrix (optional) """ if not isinstance(A, (np.ndarray, type(None))): raise ValueError('A must be a numpy array or None') if not isinstance(B, (np.ndarray, type(None))): raise ValueError('B must be a numpy array or None') if not isinstance(C, (np.ndarray, type(None))): raise ValueError('C must be a numpy array or None') if not isinstance(D, (np.ndarray, type(None))): raise ValueError('D must be a numpy array or None') # Three use cases: # 1. C / D are given -> Create measurement function # 2. set_meas has been called -> Measurement function already exists # 3. Neither C / D nor set_meas -> No measurement super().setup() creates default measurement function (state feedback) y_meas = None if not isinstance(C, type(None)): y_meas = C @ if not isinstance(D, type(None)): y_meas = y_meas + D @ if not isinstance(y_meas, type(None)): n_y = y_meas.shape[0] self.set_meas('y', y_meas) n_x = self.x.size n_u = self.u.size # Create x_next from A and B matrices (if available) x_next = None if isinstance(A, np.ndarray): if A.shape != (n_x, n_x): raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix with size n_x x n_x. You have A.shape={}'.format(A.shape)) else: x_next = A @ if isinstance(B, np.ndarray): if B.shape != (n_x, n_u): raise ValueError('B must be a matrix with size n_x x n_u. You have B.shape={}'.format(B.shape)) else: x_next = x_next + B @ # Set the rhs of the states (if x_next exists) if not isinstance(x_next, type(None)): for name in self.x.keys(): ind = self.x.f[name] self.set_rhs(name, x_next[ind]) super(LinearModel, self).setup() # Create A,B,C,D matrices (they are not necessarily given) and write them to the class. A,B,C,D = self.get_linear_system_matrices() self._A = A self._B = B self._C = C self._D = D def discretize(self, t_step: Union[float,int] = 0, conv_method:str = 'zoh')->LinearModel: """Converts continuous time to discrete time system. This method utilizes the exisiting function in scipy library called ``cont2discrete`` to convert continuous time to discrete time system.This method allows the user to specify the type of discretization. For more details about the function `click here`_ . .. _`click here`: where :math:`A_{\\text{discrete}}` and :math:`B_{\\text{discrete}}` are the discrete state matrix and input matrix repectively and :math:`t_{\\text{sample}}` is the sampling time. Warnings: sampling time is zero when not specified or not required Args: t_step : Sampling time (default - ``0``) conv_method : Method of discretization - Five different methods can be applied. (default -'zoh') Returns: Discretized linear model """ assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'This method can be accessed only after the model is setup using LinearModel.setup().' assert self.model_type == 'continuous', 'Given model is already discrete.' A, B, C, D, t = cont2discrete((self.sys_A,self.sys_B,self.sys_C,self.sys_D), t_step, conv_method) discreteModel = LinearModel('discrete') # Create new variables for linearized model self._transfer_variables(self, discreteModel) # Setup linearized model discreteModel.setup(A,B,C) return discreteModel def get_steady_state(self,xss:np.ndarray= None,uss:np.ndarray= None)->np.ndarray: """Calculates steady states for the given input or states. This method calculates steady states of a discrete system for the given steady state input and vice versa. The mathematical formulation can be described as: .. math:: x_{ss} = (I-A)^{-1}Bu_{ss} or .. math:: u_{ss} = B^{-1}(I-A)x_{ss} Args: xss : Steady state State values uss : Steady state Input values Returns: Steady state state or Steady state input """ #Check whether the model is linear and setup assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'Model is not setup. Please run model.setup() fun to calculate steady state.' assert self.model_type == 'discrete', 'Please convert the system to discrete using model.continuous_2_discrete().' I = np.identity(np.shape(self.sys_A)[0]) #Calculation of steady state if np.all(xss) == None and np.linalg.matrix_rank(self.sys_A) == self.x.shape[0]: assert np.all(uss) != None and isinstance(uss,np.ndarray), 'Provide either steady state states or steady state inputs.' self.xss = np.linalg.inv(I-self.sys_A)@self.sys_B@uss self.uss = uss return self.xss elif np.all(xss) == None and np.linalg.matrix_rank(self.sys_A) != self.x.shape[0]: raise ValueError("State matrix does not have full rank. Hence, either multiple steady state or no steady state values is possible.") elif np.all(uss) == None and np.shape(self.sys_B)[0] != np.shape(self.sys_B)[1]: assert np.all(xss) != None and isinstance(xss,np.ndarray), 'Provide either steady state states or steady state inputs.' self.uss = np.linalg.pinv(self.sys_B)@(I-self.sys_A)@xss self.xss = xss return self.uss elif np.all(uss) == None and np.shape(self.sys_B)[0] == np.shape(self.sys_B)[1]: assert np.all(xss) != None and isinstance(xss,np.ndarray), 'Provide either steady state states or steady state inputs.' self.uss = np.linalg.inv(self.sys_B)@(I-self.sys_A)@xss self.xss = xss return self.uss