Source code for do_mpc.sampling._datahandler

import types
import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
import pathlib
import pdb
import as sio
import copy
from import load_pickle, save_pickle
import types
import logging
from inspect import signature
from typing import Union

[docs]class DataHandler: """Post-processing data created from a sampling plan. Data (individual samples) were created with :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.Sampler`. The list of all samples originates from :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.SamplingPlanner` and is used to initiate this class (``sampling_plan``). The class can be created with optional keyword arguments which are passed to :py:meth:`set_param`. **Configuration and retrieving processed data:** 1. Initiate the object with the ``sampling_plan`` originating from :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.SamplingPlanner`. 2. Set parameters with :py:meth:`set_param`. Most importantly, the directory in which the individual samples are located should be passe with ``data_dir`` argument. 3. (Optional) set one (or multiple) post-processing functions. These functions are applied to each loaded sample and can, e.g., extract or compile important information. 4. Load and return samples either by indexing with the :py:meth:`__getitem__` method or by filtering with :py:meth:`filter`. **Example:** :: sp = do_mpc.sampling.SamplingPlanner() # Plan with two variables alpha and beta: sp.set_sampling_var('alpha', np.random.randn) sp.set_sampling_var('beta', lambda: np.random.randint(0,5)) plan = sp.gen_sampling_plan(n_samples=10) sampler = do_mpc.sampling.Sampler(plan) # Sampler computes the product of two variables alpha and beta # that were created in the SamplingPlanner: def sample_function(alpha, beta): return alpha*beta sampler.set_sample_function(sample_function) sampler.sample_data() # Create DataHandler object with same plan: dh = do_mpc.sampling.DataHandler(plan) # Assume you want to compute the square of the result of each sample dh.set_post_processing('square', lambda res: res**2) # As well as the value itself: dh.set_post_processing('default', lambda res: res) # Query all post-processed results with: dh[:] """ def __init__(self, sampling_plan, **kwargs): self.flags = { 'set_post_processing' : False, } # Parameters that can be set for the DataHandler: self.data_fields = [ 'data_dir', 'sample_name', 'save_format' ] self.data_dir = './' self.sample_name = 'sample' self.save_format = 'pickle' self.sampling_plan = sampling_plan self.sampling_vars = list(sampling_plan[0].keys()) self.post_processing = {} self.pre_loaded_data = {'id':[], 'data':[]} if kwargs: self.set_param(**kwargs) @property def data_dir(self): """Set the directory where the results are stored. """ return self._data_dir @data_dir.setter def data_dir(self, val): self._data_dir = val
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind): """ Index results from the :py:class:`DataHandler`. Pass an index or a slice operator. """ try: if isinstance(ind, int): samples = [self.sampling_plan[ind]] elif isinstance(ind, (tuple, slice, list)): samples = self.sampling_plan[ind] else: raise Exception('ind must be of type int, tuple, slice or list. You have {}'.format(type(ind))) except IndexError: print('---------------------------------------------------------------') print('Trying to access a non-existent element from the sampling plan.') print('---------------------------------------------------------------') raise return_list = [] # For each sample: for sample in samples: # Check if this result was previously loaded. If not, add it to the dict of pre_loaded_data. result = self._lazy_loading(sample) result_processed = self._post_process_single(sample,result) return_list.append(result_processed) return return_list
def _lazy_loading(self,sample): """ Private method: Checks if data is already loaded to reduce the computational load. """ if sample['id'] in self.pre_loaded_data['id']: ind = self.pre_loaded_data['id'].index(sample['id']) result = self.pre_loaded_data['data'][ind] else: result = self._load(sample['id']) self.pre_loaded_data['id'].append(sample['id']) self.pre_loaded_data['data'].append(result) return result def _post_process_single(self,sample,result): """ Private method: Applies all post processing functions to a single sample and stores them. """ result_processed = copy.copy(sample) # Post process result if self.flags['set_post_processing']: for key in self.post_processing: if result is not None: # post_processing function is either just a function of the result or of the sample and the result. if self.post_processing[key]['n_args'] == 1: result_processed[key] = self.post_processing[key]['function'](result) elif self.post_processing[key]['n_args'] == 2: result_processed[key] = self.post_processing[key]['function'](sample, result) else: result_processed[key] = None # Result without post processing else: result_processed['res'] = result return result_processed def filter(self, input_filter:Union[types.FunctionType,types.BuiltinFunctionType]=None, output_filter:Union[types.FunctionType,types.BuiltinFunctionType]=None )->list: """ Filter data from the DataHandler. Filters can be applied to inputs or to results that were obtained with the post-processing functions. Filtering returns only a subset from the created samples based on arbitrary conditions. **Example**: :: sp = do_mpc.sampling.SamplingPlanner() # SamplingPlanner with two variables alpha and beta: sp.set_sampling_var('alpha', np.random.randn) sp.set_sampling_var('beta', lambda: np.random.randint(0,5)) plan = sp.gen_sampling_plan() ... dh = do_mpc.sampling.DataHandler(plan) dh.set_post_processing('square', lambda res: res**2) # Return all samples with alpha < 0 and beta > 2 dh.filter(input_filter = lambda alpha, beta: alpha < 0 and beta > 2) # Return all samples for which the computed value square < 5 dh.filter(output_filter = lambda square: square < 5) Args: input_filter: Function to filter the data. output_filter: Function to filter the data Raises: assertion: No post processing function is set assertion: filter_fun must be either Function of BuiltinFunction_or_Method Returns: Returns the post processed samples that satisfy the filter """ assert isinstance(input_filter, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, type(None))), 'input_filter must be either Function or BuiltinFunction_or_Method, you have {}'.format(type(input_filter)) assert isinstance(output_filter, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, type(None))), 'output_filter must be either Function or BuiltinFunction_or_Method, you have {}'.format(type(output_filter)) return_list = [] # Wrapper to ensure arbitrary arguments are accepted def wrap_fun_in(**kwargs): if input_filter is None: return True else: return input_filter(**{arg_i: kwargs[arg_i] for arg_i in input_filter.__code__.co_varnames}) # Wrapper to ensure arbitrary arguments are accepted def wrap_fun_out(**kwargs): if output_filter is None: return True else: return output_filter(**{arg_i: kwargs[arg_i] for arg_i in output_filter.__code__.co_varnames}) # For each sample: for sample in self.sampling_plan: if wrap_fun_in(**sample)==True: # Check if this result was previously loaded. If not, add it to the dict of pre_loaded_data. result = self._lazy_loading(sample) result_processed = self._post_process_single(sample,result) # Check if the computed post-processing value satsifies the output_filter condition: if wrap_fun_out(**result_processed)==True: return_list.append(result_processed) return return_list def _load(self, sample_id): """ Private method: Load data generated from a sampling plan, either '.pkl' or '.mat' """ name = '{sample_name}_{id}'.format(sample_name=self.sample_name, id=sample_id) if self.save_format == 'pickle': load_name = self.data_dir + name + '.pkl' elif self.save_format == 'mat': load_name = self.data_dir + name+'.mat' try: if self.save_format == 'pickle': result = load_pickle(load_name) elif self.save_format == 'mat': result = sio.loadmat(load_name) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning('Could not find or load file: {}. Check data_dir parameter and make sure sample has already been generated.'.format(load_name)) result = None return result def set_param(self, **kwargs)->None: """Set the parameters of the DataHandler. Parameters must be passed as pairs of valid keywords and respective argument. For example: :: datahandler.set_param(overwrite = True) Args: data_dir(bool): Directory where the data can be found (as defined in the :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.Sampler`). sample_name(str): Naming scheme for samples (as defined in the :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.Sampler`). save_format(str): Choose either ``pickle`` or ``mat`` (as defined in the :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.Sampler`). """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not (key in self.data_fields): print('Warning: Key {} does not exist for DataHandler.'.format(key)) else: setattr(self, key, value) def set_post_processing(self, name:str, post_processing_function:Union[types.FunctionType,types.BuiltinFunctionType])->None: """Set a post processing function. The post processing function is applied to all loaded samples, e.g. with :py:meth:`__getitem__` or :py:meth:`filter`. Users can set an arbitrary amount of post processing functions by repeatedly calling this method. The ``post_processing_function`` can have two possible signatures: 1. ``post_processing_function(case_definition, sample_result)`` 2. ``post_processing_function(sample_result)`` Where ``case_definition`` is a ``dict`` of all variables introduced in the :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.SamplingPlanner` and ``sample_results`` is the result obtained from the function introduced with :py:class:`do_mpc.sampling.Sampler.set_sample_function`. Note: Setting a post processing function with an already existing name will overwrite the previously set post processing function. **Example:** :: sp = do_mpc.sampling.SamplingPlanner() # Plan with two variables alpha and beta: sp.set_sampling_var('alpha', np.random.randn) sp.set_sampling_var('beta', lambda: np.random.randint(0,5)) plan = sp.gen_sampling_plan(n_samples=10) sampler = do_mpc.sampling.Sampler(plan) # Sampler computes the product of two variables alpha and beta # that were created in the SamplingPlanner: def sample_function(alpha, beta): return alpha*beta sampler.set_sample_function(sample_function) sampler.sample_data() # Create DataHandler object with same plan: dh = do_mpc.sampling.DataHandler(plan) # Assume you want to compute the square of the result of each sample dh.set_post_processing('square', lambda res: res**2) # As well as the value itself: dh.set_post_processing('default', lambda res: res) # Query all post-processed results with: dh[:] Args: name: Name of the output of the post-processing operation post_processing_function: The post processing function to be evaluted Raises: assertion: name must be string assertion: post_processing_function must be either Function of BuiltinFunction """ assert isinstance(name, str), 'name must be str, you have {}'.format(type(name)) assert isinstance(post_processing_function, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType)), 'post_processing_function must be either Function or BuiltinFunction_or_Method, you have {}'.format(type(post_processing_function)) # Check signature of function for number of arguments. sig = signature(post_processing_function) n_args = len(sig.parameters.keys()) self.post_processing.update({name: {'function': post_processing_function, 'n_args': n_args}}) self.flags['set_post_processing'] = True