Source code for

from import IndexedProperty
import pdb

def _tuplify(f):
    """Decorator ensures input is list.
    def wrapper(self, ind, *args):
        if isinstance(ind, (int,str, slice)):
            ind = (ind,)
        elif isinstance(ind, list):
            ind = tuple(ind)
        return f(self, ind, *args)
    return wrapper

[docs]class Structure: """ Simple structure class that can hold any type of data. Structure is constructed when calling __setitem__ and can grow in complexity. **Example:** :: s = Structure() s['_x', 'C_a'] = {'C_a_0':[1,2,3], 'C_a_1': [2,3,4]} s['_x', 'C_b'] = 'C_b' s['_u', 'C_a'] = 'C_a' investigate the indices with ``s.powerindex``. This yield the following: :: [('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_0', 0), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_0', 1), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_0', 2), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_1', 0), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_1', 1), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_1', 2), ('_x', 'C_b'), ('_u', 'C_a'), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_0', 0), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_0', 1), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_0', 2), ('_x', 'C_a', 'C_a_1'), ('_x', 'C_b'), ('_u', 'C_a')] Query the structure as follows: :: s['_x', 'C_a'] >> [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4] s['_x', 'C_b'] >> [C_b] Slicing is supported: :: s['_x', 'C_a', :, 1:] >> [[[2], [3]], [[3], [4]]] and introduces nested lists for each slice element. """ def __init__(self): # List of all stored data. self.master = [] # List of tuples that hold the powerindices for the stored data. self.powerindex = [] # List of possible features for each index. self.features = [] # index: self.index = [] self.count = 0 @property def full(self): """Return all elements of the structure. Elements are returned in an unnested list. """ return self.master @IndexedProperty def get_index(self,ind): """Get regular indices ([0,1,2, ... N]) for the queried elements. This call mimics the __getitem__ method but returns the indices of the queried elements instead of their values. This is an IndexedProperty and can thus be queried as shown below: **Example:** :: # Sample structure: s = Structure() s['_x', 'C_a'] = {'C_a_0':[1,2,3], 'C_a_1': [2,3,4]} s['_x', 'C_b'] = 'C_b' s['_u', 'C_a'] = 'C_a' # Get indices: s.get_index['_x', 'C_a'] s.get_index['_x', 'C_a', :, 1:] The same nested list structure is obtained when using slices. """ _iter_master, _iter_index = self._select(ind, self.index, self.powerindex) return _iter_master @_tuplify def __setitem__(self, ind, val): if ind in self.powerindex: # Reset existing item: i = self.powerindex.index(ind) self.master[i] = val else: # Set new item: # recursively call __setitem__ if val is a list, tuple or dict # this introduces further power indices. if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): for i, item_i in enumerate(val): self[ind + (i,)] = item_i elif isinstance(val, dict): for i, item_i in val.items(): self[ind + (i,)] = item_i else: # Add value to master self.master.append(val) # Add powerindex self.powerindex.append(ind) # Add index self.index.append(self.count) self.count += 1 # List index as new feature if it does not exist. for i,ind_i in enumerate(ind): if len(self.features)<=i: self.features.append([]) if ind_i not in self.features[i]: self.features[i].append(ind_i) def __getitem__(self, ind): _iter_master, _iter_index = self._select(ind, self.master, self.powerindex) return _iter_master def _getkeys(self, ind): _keys, _ = self._select(ind, self.powerindex, self.powerindex) return _keys @_tuplify def _select(self, ind, _iter_master, _iter_index): """Private method to support the __getitem__ call. Necessary helper function because it can be called recursively. This is required for slicing. """ for j, ind_j in enumerate(ind): # temporary candidates for the kept features / data: _tmp_master = [] _tmp_index = [] if isinstance(ind_j, slice): # Slice case: Slice from features and recursively call _select. ind_j = self.features[j][ind_j] ind = list(ind) for ind_j_k in ind_j: ind[j] = ind_j_k a,b = self._select(ind, _iter_master, _iter_index) _tmp_master.append(a) _tmp_index.append(b) _iter_master = _tmp_master _iter_index = _tmp_index break else: # Regular case: Iter over all indices and check condition. for i, ind_i in enumerate(_iter_index): if j>len(ind_i): None elif ind_i[j] == ind_j: _tmp_master.append(_iter_master[i]) _tmp_index.append(_iter_index[i]) # Write temporary candidates to current candidates: _iter_master = _tmp_master _iter_index = _tmp_index return _iter_master, _iter_index
def test_structure(): s = Structure() for k in range(3): s['_x', 'C_a', k] = [1,2,3,4] s['_x', 'C_b', k] = [1,2,3,4] s['_u', 'C_c', k] = [1,2,3,4] s['_x',:] return s if __name__ == '__main__': s = test_structure()