Source code for

import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Timer: def __init__(self, name='timer', unit='ms'): = name self.unit = unit if unit =='ms': self.factor = 1000 elif unit == 's': self.factor = 1 elif unit == 'min': self.factor = 1/60 elif unit == 'h': self.factor = 1/3600 else: raise Exception('unit must be in [ms, s, min, h].') self.t_start = None self.t_list = [] def tic(self): self.t_start = time.time() def toc(self): assert self.t_start, 'Cannot call toc before toc.' t_now = time.time() self.t_list.append(t_now-self.t_start) self.t_start = None def info(self): t_arr = np.round(np.array(self.t_list)*self.factor) t_mean = np.mean(t_arr) t_min = np.min(t_arr) t_max = np.max(t_arr) t_var = np.std(t_arr) msg = 'Average runtime {avg}+-{var}{unit}. Fastest run {min}{unit}, slowest run {max}{unit}.' print(msg.format(avg=t_mean, var=t_var, unit=self.unit, min=t_min, max=t_max)) def hist(self, *args, **kwargs): t_arr = np.round(np.array(self.t_list)*self.factor) t_mean = np.mean(t_arr) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.axvline(t_mean, color='black') ax.hist(t_arr, *args, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('time in {}'.format(self.unit)) ax.set_ylabel('number of instances') return fig, ax