Source code for

#   This file is part of do-mpc
#   do-mpc: An environment for the easy, modular and efficient implementation of
#        robust nonlinear model predictive control
#   Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Sergio Lucia, Alexandru Tatulea-Codrean
#                        TU Dortmund. All rights reserved
#   do-mpc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   do-mpc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with do-mpc.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from casadi import *
from import *
import pdb
import pickle
import do_mpc
from import IndexedProperty

[docs]class Data: """**do-mpc** data container. An instance of this class is created for the active **do-mpc** classes, e.g. :py:class:`do_mpc.simulator.Simulator`, :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.MHE`. The class is initialized with an instance of the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` which contains all information about variables (e.g. states, inputs etc.). The :py:class:`Data` class has a public API but is mostly used by other **do-mpc** classes, e.g. updated in the ``.make_step`` calls. .. automethod:: __getitem__ """ def __init__(self, model): self.dtype = 'default' assert model.flags['setup'] == True, 'Model was not setup. After the complete model creation call model.setup_model().' # As discussed here:!topic/casadi-users/dqAb4tnA2ik # struct_SX cannot be unpickled (seems like a bug) # TODO: Find better workaround. self.model = model.__dict__.copy() self.model.pop('_rhs') self.model.pop('_aux_expression') self.model.pop('_y_expression') # TODO: n_aux not existing #self._aux = np.empty((0, model.n_aux)) # Dictionary with possible data_fields in the class and their respective dimension. All data is numpy ndarray. self.data_fields = { '_time': 1, '_x': model.n_x, '_y': model.n_y, '_u': model.n_u, '_z': model.n_z, '_tvp': model.n_tvp, '_p': model.n_p, '_aux': model.n_aux, } self.init_storage() self.meta_data = {} # Accelerate __getitem__ calls (to retrieve results) by saving indices of previous queries. self.result_queries = {'ind':[], 'f_ind':[]}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind): """Query data fields. This method can be used to obtain the stored results in the :py:class:`Data` instance. The full list of available fields can be inspected with: :: print(data.data_fields) The dict also denotes the dimension of each field. The method allows for power indexing the results for the fields ``_x``, ``_u``, ``_z``, ``_tvp``, ``_p``, ``_aux``, ``_y`` where further indices refer to the configured variables in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` instance. **Example:** :: # Assume the following model was used (excerpt): model = do_mpc.model.Model('continuous') model.set_variable('_x', 'Temperature', shape=(5,1)) # Vector model.set_variable('_p', 'disturbance', shape=(3,3)) # Matrix model.set_variable('_u', 'heating') # scalar ... # the model was used (among others) for the MPC controller mpc = do_mpc.controller.MPC(model) ... # Query the instance:['_x'] # Return all states['_x', 'Temperature'] # Return the 5 temp states['_x', 'Temperature', :2] # Return the first 2 temp. states['_p', 'disturbance', 0, 2] # Matrix allows for further indices # Other fields can also be queried, e.g.:['_time'] # current time['t_wall_S'] # optimizer runtime # These do not allow further indices. :return: Returns the queried data field (for all time instances) :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # ensure list: if not isinstance(ind, tuple): ind = [ind] # First element is the data_field: data_field = ind[0] # Check validity: keys = self.data_fields.keys() assert data_field in keys, 'Your queried variable {} is not available. Please choose from {}'.format(data_field, keys) if len(ind)>1: # If further indices exist: if ind in self.result_queries['ind']: i = self.result_queries['ind'].index(ind) f_ind = self.result_queries['f_ind'][i] else: powerind = ind[1:] f_ind = self.model[data_field].f[powerind] self.result_queries['ind'].append(ind) self.result_queries['f_ind'].append(f_ind) out = getattr(self, data_field)[:, f_ind] else: # If not just return the field: out = getattr(self, data_field) return out
def init_storage(self): """Create new (empty) arrays for all variables. The variables of interest are listed in the ``data_fields`` dictionary, with their respective dimension. This dictionary may be updated. The :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC` class adds for example optimizer information. """ for field_i, dim_i in self.data_fields.items(): setattr(self, field_i, np.empty((0, dim_i))) def set_meta(self, **kwargs): """Set meta data for the current instance of the data object. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.meta_data[key] = value def update(self, **kwargs): """Update value(s) of the data structure with key word arguments. These key word arguments must exist in the data fields of the data objective. See self.data_fields for a complete list of data fields. Example: :: _x = np.ones((1, 3)) _u = np.ones((1, 2)) data.update('_x': _x, '_u': _u) or: data.update('_x': _x) data.update('_u': _u) Alternatively: data_dict = { '_x':np.ones((1, 3)), '_u':np.ones((1, 2)) } data.update(**data_dict) :param kwargs: Arbitrary number of key word arguments for data fields that should be updated. :type kwargs: casadi.DM or numpy.ndarray :raises assertion: Keyword must be in existing data_fields. :return: None """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): assert key in self.data_fields.keys(), 'Cannot update non existing key {} in data object.'.format(key) if type(value) == structure3.DMStruct: value = if type(value) == DM: # Convert to numpy value = value.full() elif type(value) in [float, int, bool]: value = np.array(value) # Get current results array for the given key: arr = getattr(self, key) # Append current value to results array: updated = np.append(arr, value.reshape(1,-1), axis=0) # Update results array: setattr(self, key, updated) def export(self): """The export method returns a dictionary of the stored data. :return: Dictionary of the currently stored data. :rtype: dict """ export_dict = {field_name: getattr(self, field_name) for field_name in self.data_fields} return export_dict
[docs]class MPCData(Data): """**do-mpc** data container for the :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC` instance. This method inherits from :py:class:`Data` and extends it to query the MPC predictions. .. automethod:: __getitem__ """ def __init__(self, model): super().__init__(model) # Accelerate prediction calls by saving indices of previous queries. self.prediction_queries = {'ind':[], 'f_ind':[]} def prediction(self, ind, t_ind=-1): """Query the MPC trajectories. Use this method to obtain specific MPC trajectories from the data object. .. warning:: This method requires that the optimal solution is stored in the :py:class:`` instance. Storing the optimal solution must be activated with :py:func:`do_mpc.controller.MPC.set_param`. Querying predicted trajectories requires the use of power indices, which is passed as tuple e.g.: :: data.prediction((var_type, var_name, i), t_ind) where * ``var_type`` refers to ``_x``, ``_u``, ``_z``, ``_tvp``, ``_p``, ``_aux`` * ``var_name`` refers to the user-defined names in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` * Use ``i`` to index vector valued variables. The method returns a multidimensional numpy.ndarray. The dimensions refer to: :: arr = data.prediction(('_x', 'x_1')) arr.shape >> (n_size, n_horizon, n_scenario) with: * ``n_size`` denoting the number of elements in ``x_1``, where ``n_size = 1`` is a scalar variable. * ``n_horizon`` is the MPC horizon defined with :py:func:`do_mpc.controller.MPC.set_param` * ``n_scenario`` refers to the number of uncertain scenarios (for robust MPC). Additional to the power index tuple, a time index (``t_ind``) can be passed to access the prediction for a certain time. :param ind: Power index to query the prediction of a specific variable. :type ind: tuple :return: Predicted trajectories for the queries variable. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ assert self.meta_data['store_full_solution'], 'Optimal trajectory is not stored. Please update your MPC settings.' assert isinstance(ind, tuple), 'Query index must be of type tuple.' structure_scenario = self.meta_data['structure_scenario'] if self._opt_x_num.shape[0]==0: _opt_x_num = np.zeros((1,self.opt_x.shape[0])) _opt_p_num = np.zeros((1,self.opt_p.shape[0])) _opt_aux_num = np.zeros((1,self.opt_aux.shape[0])) else: _opt_x_num = self._opt_x_num _opt_p_num = self.opt_p_num _opt_aux_num = self._opt_aux_num if ind[0] in ['_x', '_z']: if ind in self.prediction_queries['ind']: i = self.prediction_queries['ind'].index(ind) f_ind = self.prediction_queries['f_ind'][i] else: f_ind = self.opt_x.f[(ind[0], slice(None), lambda v: horzcat(*v),slice(None), -1)+ind[1:]] f_ind = np.array([f_ind_k.full() for f_ind_k in f_ind], dtype='int32') # sort pred such that each column belongs to one scenario f_ind = f_ind[range(f_ind.shape[0]),:,structure_scenario.T].T # Store f_ind: self.prediction_queries['ind'].append(ind) self.prediction_queries['f_ind'].append(f_ind) out = _opt_x_num[t_ind,f_ind] elif ind[0] =='_u': if ind in self.prediction_queries['ind']: i = self.prediction_queries['ind'].index(ind) f_ind = self.prediction_queries['f_ind'][i] else: f_ind = self.opt_x.f[(ind[0], slice(None), lambda v: horzcat(*v),slice(None))+ind[1:]] f_ind = np.array([f_ind_k.full() for f_ind_k in f_ind], dtype='int32') # sort pred such that each column belongs to one scenario f_ind = f_ind[range(f_ind.shape[0]),:,structure_scenario[:-1,:].T].T # Store f_ind: self.prediction_queries['ind'].append(ind) self.prediction_queries['f_ind'].append(f_ind) out = _opt_x_num[t_ind,f_ind] elif ind[0]=='_tvp': if ind in self.prediction_queries['ind']: i = self.prediction_queries['ind'].index(ind) f_ind = self.prediction_queries['f_ind'][i] else: f_ind = self.opt_p.f[(ind[0], slice(None))+ind[1:]] f_ind = np.array(f_ind).reshape(1, -1, 1) #f_ind = np.array([f_ind_k.full() for f_ind_k in f_ind], dtype='int32') # Store f_ind: self.prediction_queries['ind'].append(ind) self.prediction_queries['f_ind'].append(f_ind) out = _opt_p_num[t_ind,f_ind] elif ind[0]=='_aux': if ind in self.prediction_queries['ind']: i = self.prediction_queries['ind'].index(ind) f_ind = self.prediction_queries['f_ind'][i] else: f_ind = self.opt_aux.f[(ind[0], slice(None), lambda v: horzcat(*v),slice(None))+ind[1:]] f_ind = np.array([f_ind_k.full() for f_ind_k in f_ind], dtype='int32') # sort pred such that each column belongs to one scenario f_ind = f_ind[range(f_ind.shape[0]),:,structure_scenario[:-1,:].T].T # Store f_ind: self.prediction_queries['ind'].append(ind) self.prediction_queries['f_ind'].append(f_ind) out = _opt_aux_num[t_ind,f_ind] return out
[docs]def save_results(save_list, result_name='results', result_path='./results/', overwrite=False): """Exports the data objects from the **do-mpc** modules in ``save_list`` as a pickled file. Supply any, all or a selection of (as a list): * :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC` * :py:class:`do_mpc.simulator.Simulator` * :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.Estimator` These objects can be used in post-processing to create graphics with the :py:class:`do_mpc.graphics_backend`. :param save_list: List of the objects to be stored. :type save_list: list :param result_name: Name of the result file, defaults to 'result'. :type result_name: string, optional :param result_path: Result path, defaults to './results/'. :type result_path: string, optional :param overwrite: Option to overwrite existing results, defaults to False. Index will be appended if file already exists. :type overwrite: bool, optional :raises assertion: save_list must be a list. :raises assertion: result_name must be a string. :raises assertion: results_path must be a string. :raises assertion: overwrite must be boolean. :raises Exception: save_list contains object which is neither do_mpc simulator, optimizizer nor estimator. :return: None :rtype: None """ assert isinstance(save_list, list), 'save_list must be a string.' assert isinstance(result_name, str), 'result_name must be a string.' assert isinstance(result_path, str), 'results_path must be a string.' assert isinstance(overwrite, bool), 'overwrite must be boolean.' if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.makedirs(result_path) results = {} for obj_i in save_list: if isinstance(obj_i, do_mpc.controller.MPC): results.update({'mpc':}) elif isinstance(obj_i, do_mpc.simulator.Simulator): results.update({'simulator':}) elif isinstance(obj_i, (do_mpc.estimator.StateFeedback, do_mpc.estimator.EKF, do_mpc.estimator.MHE)): results.update({'estimator':}) else: raise Exception('save_list contains object which is neither do_mpc simulator, optimizizer nor estimator.') # Dynamically generate new result name if name is already taken in result_path. if overwrite==False: ind = 1 ext_result_name = result_name while os.path.isfile(result_path+ext_result_name+'.pkl'): ext_result_name = '{ind:03d}_{name}'.format(ind=ind, name=result_name) ind += 1 result_name = ext_result_name with open(result_path+result_name+'.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(results, f)
[docs]def load_results(file_name): """ Simple wrapper to open and unpickle a file. If used for **do-mpc** results, this will return a dictionary with the stored **do-mpc** modules: * :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC` * :py:class:`do_mpc.simulator.Simulator` * :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.Estimator` :param file_name: File name (including path) for the file to be opened and unpickled. :type file_name: str """ with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: results = pickle.load(f) return results