
Class method.

do_mpc.controller.MPC.set_param(self, **kwargs)

Set the parameters of the MPC class. Parameters must be passed as pairs of valid keywords and respective argument. For example:

mpc.set_param(n_horizon = 20)

It is also possible and convenient to pass a dictionary with multiple parameters simultaneously as shown in the following example:

setup_mpc = {
    'n_horizon': 20,
    't_step': 0.5,

This makes use of thy python “unpack” operator. See more details here.


The only required parameters are n_horizon and t_step. All other parameters are optional.


set_param() can be called multiple times. Previously passed arguments are overwritten by successive calls.

The following parameters are available:

  • n_horizon (int) – Prediction horizon of the optimal control problem. Parameter must be set by user.
  • n_robust (int , optional) – Robust horizon for robust scenario-tree MPC, defaults to 0. Optimization problem grows exponentially with n_robust.
  • open_loop (bool , optional) – Setting for scenario-tree MPC: If the parameter is False, for each timestep AND scenario an individual control input is computed. If set to True, the same control input is used for each scenario. Defaults to False.
  • t_step (float) – Timestep of the mpc.
  • use_terminal_bounds (bool) – Choose if terminal bounds for the states are used. Defaults to True. Set terminal bounds with terminal_bounds.
  • state_discretization (str) – Choose the state discretization for continuous models. Currently only 'collocation' is available. Defaults to 'collocation'.
  • collocation_type (str) – Choose the collocation type for continuous models with collocation as state discretization. Currently only 'radau' is available. Defaults to 'radau'.
  • collocation_deg (int) – Choose the collocation degree for continuous models with collocation as state discretization. Defaults to 2.
  • collocation_ni (int) – For orthogonal collocation choose the number of finite elements for the states within a time-step (and during constant control input). Defaults to 1. Can be used to avoid high-order polynomials.
  • nl_cons_check_colloc_points (bool) – For orthogonal collocation choose whether the nonlinear bounds set with set_nl_cons() are evaluated once per finite Element or for each collocation point. Defaults to False (once per collocation point).
  • cons_check_colloc_points (bool) – For orthogonal collocation choose whether the linear bounds set with bounds are evaluated once per finite Element or for each collocation point. Defaults to True (for all collocation points).
  • store_full_solution (bool) – Choose whether to store the full solution of the optimization problem. This is required for animating the predictions in post processing. However, it drastically increases the required storage. Defaults to False.
  • store_lagr_multiplier (bool) – Choose whether to store the lagrange multipliers of the optimization problem. Increases the required storage. Defaults to True.
  • store_solver_stats (dict) – Choose which solver statistics to store. Must be a list of valid statistics. Defaults to ['success','t_wall_S','t_wall_S'].
  • nlpsol_opts – Dictionary with options for the CasADi solver call nlpsol with plugin ipopt. All options are listed here.


We highly suggest to change the linear solver for IPOPT from mumps to MA27. In many cases this will drastically boost the speed of do-mpc. Change the linear solver with:

MPC.set_param(nlpsol_opts = {'ipopt.linear_solver': 'MA27'})


To surpress the output of IPOPT, please use:

surpress_ipopt = {'ipopt.print_level':0, '': 'yes', 'print_time':0}
MPC.set_param(nlpsol_opts = surpress_ipopt)

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