Source code for do_mpc.estimator._mhe

#   This file is part of do-mpc
#   do-mpc: An environment for the easy, modular and efficient implementation of
#        robust nonlinear model predictive control
#   Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Sergio Lucia, Alexandru Tatulea-Codrean
#                        TU Dortmund. All rights reserved
#   do-mpc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   do-mpc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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import numpy as np
#import casadi as cas
import as castools
import pdb
import copy
import warnings
import time
from ..optimizer import Optimizer
from ._base import Estimator
import do_mpc
from typing import Union,Callable
from dataclasses import asdict
from ._estimatorsettings import MHESettings

[docs] class MHE(Optimizer, Estimator): """Moving horizon estimator. .. versionadded:: >v4.5.1 New interface to settings. The class has an attribute ``settings`` which is an instance of :py:class:`MHESettings` (please see this documentation for a list of available settings). Settings are now chosen as: :: mhe.settings.n_horizon = 20 Previously, settings were passed to :py:meth:`set_param`. This method is still available and wraps the new interface. The new method has important advantages: 1. The ``mhe.settings`` attribute can be printed to see the current configuration. 2. Context help is available in most IDEs (e.g. VS CODe) to see the available settings, the type and a description. 3. The :py:class:`MHESettings` class has convenient methods, such as :py:meth:`MHESettings.supress_ipopt_output()` to silence the solver. For general information on moving horizon estimation, please read our `background article`_. .. _`background article`: ../theory_mhe.html The MHE estimator extends the :py:class:`do_mpc.optimizer.Optimizer` base class (which is also used for :py:class:`do_mpc.controller.MPC`), as well as the :py:class:`Estimator` base class. Use this class to configure and run the MHE based on a previously configured :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` instance. The class is initiated by passing a list of the **parameters that should be estimated**. This must be a subset (or all) of the parameters defined in :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model`. This allows to define parameters in the model that influence the model externally (e.g. weather predictions), and those that are internal e.g. system parameters and can be estimated. Passing an empty list (default) value, means that no parameters are estimated. Note: Parameters are influencing the model equation at all timesteps but are constant over the entire horizon. Parameters could also be introduced as states without dynamic but this would increase the total number of optimization variables. **Configuration and setup:** Configuring and setting up the MHE involves the following steps: 1. Configure the MHE controller with :py:class:`MHESettings`. The MHE instance has the attribute ``settings`` which is an instance of :py:class:`MHESettings`. 2. Set the objective of the control problem with :py:func:`set_default_objective` or use the low-level interface :py:func:`set_objective`. 5. Set upper and lower bounds. 6. Optionally, set further (non-linear) constraints with :py:func:`set_nl_cons`. 7. Use :py:func:`get_p_template` and :py:func:`set_p_fun` to set the function for the (not estimated) parameters. 8. Use :py:meth:`get_tvp_template` and :py:meth:`set_tvp_fun` to create a method to obtain new time-varying parameters at each iteration. 9. To finalize the class configuration there are two routes. The default approach is to call :py:meth:`setup`. For deep customization use the combination of :py:meth:`prepare_nlp` and :py:meth:`create_nlp`. See graph below for an illustration of the process. .. graphviz:: :name: route_to_setup :caption: Route to setting up the MHE class. :align: center digraph G { graph [fontname = "helvetica"]; rankdir=LR; subgraph cluster_main { node [fontname = "helvetica", shape=box, fontcolor="#404040", color="#707070"]; edge [fontname = "helvetica", color="#707070"]; start [label="Two ways to setup"]; setup [label="setup", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.setup.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; create_nlp [label="create_nlp", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.create_nlp.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; process [label="Modify NLP"]; prepare_nlp [label="prepare_nlp", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.prepare_nlp.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; finish [label="Configured MHE class"] start -> setup, prepare_nlp; prepare_nlp -> process; process -> create_nlp; setup, create_nlp -> finish; color=none; } subgraph cluster_modification { rankdir=TB; node [fontname = "helvetica", shape=box, fontcolor="#404040", color="#707070"]; edge [fontname = "helvetica", color="#707070"]; opt_x [label="opt_x", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.opt_x.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; opt_p [label="opt_p", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.opt_p.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; nlp_cons [label="nlp_cons", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.nlp_cons.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; nlp_obj [label="nlp_obj", href="../api/do_mpc.estimator.MHE.nlp_obj.html", target="_top", fontname = "Consolas"]; opt_x -> nlp_cons, nlp_obj; opt_p -> nlp_cons, nlp_obj; label = "Attributes to modify the NLP."; color=black; } nlp_cons -> process; nlp_obj -> process; } Warnings: Before running the estimator, make sure to supply a valid initial guess for all estimated variables (states, algebraic states, inputs and parameters). Simply set the intial values of :py:attr:`x0`, :py:attr:`z0`, :py:attr:`u0` and :py:attr:`p_est0` and then call :py:func:`set_initial_guess`. To take full control over the initial guess, modify the values of :py:attr:`opt_x_num`. During runtime use :py:func:`make_step` with the most recent measurement to obtain the estimated states. Args: model: A configured and setup :py:class:`do_mpc.model` p_est_list: List with names of parameters (``_p``) defined in ``model`` """ def __init__(self, model:Union[do_mpc.model.Model,do_mpc.model.LinearModel], p_est_list:list=[]): Estimator.__init__(self, model) Optimizer.__init__(self) # Initialize structure to hold the optimial solution and initial guess: self._opt_x_num = None # Initialize structure to hold the parameters for the optimization problem: self._opt_p_num = None # initialize settings class self.settings = MHESettings() # Create seperate structs for the estimated and the set parameters (the union of both are all parameters of the model.) _p = model._p self._p_est = [castools.entry('default', shape=(0,1))]+ [castools.entry(p_i, shape=_p[p_i].shape) for p_i in _p.keys() if p_i in p_est_list] ) self._p_set = [castools.entry(p_i, shape=_p[p_i].shape) for p_i in _p.keys() if p_i not in p_est_list] ) # Enable to "unite" _p_est and _p_set to _p p_cat = castools.vertcat(_p) _p_subs = [] for name in _p.keys(): if name in self._p_est.keys(): _p_subs.append(self._p_est[name]) elif name in self._p_set.keys(): _p_subs.append(self._p_set[name]) # In the expression p_cat substitute all variables from _p with the elements from _p_est and _p_set: p_cat = castools.substitute(p_cat, _p, castools.vertcat(*_p_subs)) # Function to obtain full set of parameters from the seperate structs (while obeying the order): self._p_cat_fun = castools.Function('p_cat_fun', [self._p_est, self._p_set], [p_cat]) self.n_p_est = self._p_est.shape[0] self.n_p_set = self._p_set.shape[0] # Initialize additional structures by calling the symbolic structures defined above # with the default numerical value. # This returns an identical numerical structure with all values set to the passed value. # TODO: p_scaling already exists. Maybe use it instead of these seperate structs? self._p_est_scaling = self._p_est(1.0) self._p_set_scaling = self._p_set(1.0) # This not meant to be adapted. We need it to concatenate p_scaling. self._p_est_lb = self._p_est(-np.inf) self._p_est_ub = self._p_est(np.inf) self._p_est0 = self._p_est(0.0) # Introduce aliases / new variables to smoothly and intuitively formulate # the MHE objective function. self._y_meas = self.model._y self._x_prev = copy.copy(self.model._x) self._x = self.model._x self._p_est_prev = copy.copy(self._p_est) self._p = self.model._p self._w = self.model._w self._v = self.model._v # Flags are checked when calling .setup. self.flags.update({ 'setup': False, 'set_tvp_fun': False, 'set_p_fun': False, 'set_y_fun': False, 'set_objective': False, 'set_initial_guess': False, }) @property def p_est0(self): """ Initial value of estimated parameters and current iterate. This is the numerical structure holding the information about the current estimated parameters in the class. The property can be indexed according to the model definition. **Example:** :: model = do_mpc.model.Model('continuous') model.set_variable('_p','temperature', shape=(4,1)) # Initiate MHE with list of estimated parameters: mhe = do_mpc.estimator.MHE(model, ['temperature']) # Get or set current value of variable: mhe.p_est0['temperature', 0] # 0th element of variable mhe.p_est0['temperature'] # all elements of variable mhe.p_est0['temperature', 0:2] # 0th and 1st element Usefull CasADi symbolic structure methods: * ``.shape`` * ``.keys()`` * ``.labels()`` """ return self._p_est0 @p_est0.setter def p_est0(self, val): self._p_est0 = self._convert2struct(val, self._p_est) @property def opt_x_num(self): """Full MHE solution and initial guess. This is the core attribute of the MHE class. It is used as the initial guess when solving the optimization problem and then overwritten with the current solution. The attribute is a CasADi numeric structure with nested power indices. It can be indexed as follows: :: # dynamic states: opt_x_num['_x', time_step, collocation_point, _x_name] # algebraic states: opt_x_num['_z', time_step, collocation_point, _z_name] # inputs: opt_x_num['_u', time_step, _u_name] # estimated parameters: opt_x_Num['_p_est', _p_names] # slack variables for soft constraints: opt_x_num['_eps', time_step, _nl_cons_name] The names refer to those given in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` configuration. Further indices are possible, if the variables are itself vectors or matrices. The attribute can be used **to manually set a custom initial guess or for debugging purposes**. Note: The attribute ``opt_x_num`` carries the scaled values of all variables. See ``opt_x_num_unscaled`` for the unscaled values (these are not used as the initial guess). Warnings: Do not tweak or overwrite this attribute unless you known what you are doing. Note: The attribute is populated when calling :py:func:`setup` """ return self._opt_x_num @opt_x_num.setter def opt_x_num(self, val): self._opt_x_num = val @property def opt_p_num(self): """Full MHE parameter vector. This attribute is used when calling the solver to pass all required parameters, including * previously estimated state(s) * previously estimated parameter(s) * known parameters * sequence of time-varying parameters * sequence of measurements parameters **do-mpc** handles setting these parameters automatically in the :py:func:`make_step` method. However, you can set these values manually and directly call :py:func:`solve`. The attribute is a CasADi numeric structure with nested power indices. It can be indexed as follows: :: # previously estimated state: opt_p_num['_x_prev', _x_name] # previously estimated parameters: opt_p_num['_p_est_prev', _x_name] # known parameters opt_p_num['_p_set', _p_name] # time-varying parameters: opt_p_num['_tvp', time_step, _tvp_name] # sequence of measurements: opt_p_num['_y_meas', time_step, _y_name] The names refer to those given in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` configuration. Further indices are possible, if the variables are itself vectors or matrices. Warnings: Do not tweak or overwrite this attribute unless you known what you are doing. Note: The attribute is populated when calling :py:func:`setup` """ return self._opt_p_num @opt_p_num.setter def opt_p_num(self, val): self._opt_p_num = val @property def opt_x(self): """Full structure of the (symbolic) MHE optimization variables. The attribute is a CasADi numeric structure with nested power indices. It can be indexed as follows: :: # dynamic states: opt_x['_x', time_step, collocation_point, _x_name] # algebraic states: opt_x['_z', time_step, collocation_point, _z_name] # inputs: opt_x['_u', time_step, _u_name] # estimated parameters: opt_x_Num['_p_est', _p_names] # slack variables for soft constraints: opt_x['_eps', time_step, _nl_cons_name] The names refer to those given in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` configuration. Further indices are possible, if the variables are itself vectors or matrices. The attribute can be used to alter the objective function or constraints of the NLP. Note: The attribute ``opt_x`` carries the scaled values of all variables. Warnings: Do not tweak or overwrite this attribute unless you known what you are doing. Note: The attribute is populated when calling :py:func:`setup` or :py:func:`prepare_nlp` """ return self._opt_x @opt_x.setter def opt_x(self, val): self._opt_x = val @property def opt_p(self): """Full structure of (symbolic) MHE parameters. The attribute can be used to alter the objective function or constraints of the NLP. The attribute is a CasADi numeric structure with nested power indices. It can be indexed as follows: :: # previously estimated state: opt_p['_x_prev', _x_name] # previously estimated parameters: opt_p['_p_est_prev', _x_name] # known parameters opt_p['_p_set', _p_name] # time-varying parameters: opt_p['_tvp', time_step, _tvp_name] # sequence of measurements: opt_p['_y_meas', time_step, _y_name] The names refer to those given in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` configuration. Further indices are possible, if the variables are itself vectors or matrices. Warnings: Do not tweak or overwrite this attribute unless you known what you are doing. Note: The attribute is populated when calling :py:func:`setup` or :py:func:`create_nlp`. """ return self._opt_p @opt_p.setter def opt_p(self, val): self._opt_p = val def set_param(self, **kwargs)->None: """Method to set the parameters of the :py:class:`MHE` class. Parameters must be passed as pairs of valid keywords and respective argument. .. deprecated:: >v4.5.1 This function will be deprecated in the future Note: A comprehensive list of all available parameters can be found in :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.MHESettings`. For example: :: mhe.settings.n_horizon = 20 The old interface, as shown in the example below, can still be accessed until further notice. For example: :: mhe.set_param(n_horizon = 20) Note: The only required parameters are ``n_horizon`` and ``t_step``. All other parameters are optional. Note: We highly suggest to change the linear solver for IPOPT from `mumps` to `MA27`. In many cases this will drastically boost the speed of **do-mpc**. Any available linear solver can be set using :py:meth:`do_mpc.estimator.MHESettings.set_linear_solver`. For more details, please check the :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.MHESettings`. Note: The output of IPOPT can be suppressed :py:meth:`do_mpc.estimator.MHESettings.supress_ipopt_output`. For more details, please check the :py:class:`do_mpc.estimator.MHESettings`. """ assert self.flags['setup'] == False, 'Setting parameters after setup is prohibited.' for key, value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self.settings, key): setattr(self.settings, key, value) else: print('Warning: Key {} does not exist for MPC.'.format(key)) def set_objective(self, stage_cost:Union[castools.SX,castools.MX], arrival_cost:Union[castools.SX,castools.MX])->None: """Set the stage cost :math:`l(\cdot)` and arrival cost :math:`m(\cdot)` function for the MHE problem: .. math:: \\underset{ \\begin{array}{c} \\mathbf{x}_{0:N+1}, \\mathbf{u}_{0:N}, p,\\\\ \\mathbf{w}_{0:N}, \\mathbf{v}_{0:N} \\end{array} }{\\mathrm{min}} &m(x_0,\\tilde{x}_0, p,\\tilde{p}) +\\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} l(v_k, w_k, p, p_{\\text{tv},k}),\\\\ &\\left.\\begin{aligned} \\mathrm{s.t.}\\quad x_{k+1} &= f(x_k,u_k,z_k,p,p_{\\text{tv},k})+ w_k,\\\\ y_k &= h(x_k,u_k,z_k,p,p_{\\text{tv},k}) + v_k, \\\\ &g(x_k,u_k,z_k,p_k,p_{\\text{tv},k}) \\leq 0 \\end{aligned}\\right\} k=0,\\dots, N Use the class attributes: * ``mhe._w`` as :math:`w_k` * ``mhe._v`` as :math:`v_k` * ``mhe._x_prev`` as :math:`\\tilde{x}_0` * ``mhe._x`` as :math:`x_0` * ``mhe._p_est_prev`` as :math:`\\tilde{p}_0` * ``mhe._p_est`` as :math:`p_0` To formulate the objective function and pass the stage cost and arrival cost independently. Note: The retrieved attributes are symbolic structures, which can be queried with the given variable names, e.g.: :: x1 = mhe._x['state_1'] For a vector of all states, use the ``.cat`` method as shown in the example below. **Example:** :: # Get variables: v = stage_cost = v.T@np.diag(np.array([1,1,1,20,20]))@v x_0 = mhe._x x_prev = mhe._x_prev p_0 = mhe._p_est p_prev = mhe._p_est_prev dx = - dp = - arrival_cost = 1e-4*dx.T@dx + 1e-4*dp.T@dp mhe.set_objective(stage_cost, arrival_cost) Note: Use :py:func:`set_default_objective` as a high-level wrapper for this method, if you want to use the default MHE objective function. Args: stage_cost: Stage cost that is added to the MHE objective at each age. arrival_cost: Arrival cost that is added to the MHE objective at the initial state. """ assert stage_cost.shape == (1,1), 'stage_cost must have shape=(1,1). You have {}'.format(stage_cost.shape) assert arrival_cost.shape == (1,1), 'arrival_cost must have shape=(1,1). You have {}'.format(arrival_cost.shape) assert self.flags['setup'] == False, 'Cannot call .set_objective after .setup.' # Replace model symbolic variables self.model._p with the new variables self._p_est and self._p_set: _p = self._p_cat_fun(self._p_est, self._p_set) arrival_cost = castools.substitute(arrival_cost, self.model._p, _p.reshape((-1,1))) #stage_cost = substitute(stage_cost, self.model._p, _p) #arrival_cost = substitute(arrival_cost, self._p_est, vertcat(*[self.model._p[name] for name in self._p_est.keys()])) #arrival_cost = substitute(arrival_cost, self._p_set, vertcat(*[self.model._p[name] for name in self._p_set.keys()])) stage_cost = castools.substitute(stage_cost, self._p_est, castools.vertcat(*[self.model._p[name] for name in self._p_est.keys()]).reshape((-1,1))) stage_cost = castools.substitute(stage_cost, self._p_set, castools.vertcat(*[self.model._p[name] for name in self._p_set.keys()]).reshape((-1,1))) stage_cost_input = self._w, self._v, self.model._tvp, self.model._p self.stage_cost_fun = castools.Function('stage_cost_fun', [*stage_cost_input], [stage_cost]) arrival_cost_input = self._x, self._x_prev, self._p_est, self._p_est_prev, self._p_set self.arrival_cost_fun = castools.Function('arrival_cost_fun', [*arrival_cost_input], [arrival_cost]) # Check if stage_cost_fun and arrival_cost_fun use invalid variables as inputs. # For the check we evaluate the function with dummy inputs and expect a DM output. try: self.stage_cost_fun(*[input_i(0) for input_i in stage_cost_input]) except: err_msg = 'objective cost equation must be solely depending on w, v, p and tvp.' raise Exception(err_msg) try: self.arrival_cost_fun(*[input_i(0) for input_i in arrival_cost_input]) except: err_msg = 'Arrival cost equation must be solely depending on x_0, x_prev, p_0, p_prev, p_set' raise Exception(err_msg) self.flags['set_objective'] = True def set_default_objective(self, P_x:Union[np.ndarray,castools.SX,castools.MX], P_v:Union[np.ndarray,castools.SX,castools.MX]=None, P_p:Union[np.ndarray,castools.SX,castools.MX]=None, P_w:Union[np.ndarray,castools.SX,castools.MX]=None )->None: """ Configure the suggested default MHE formulation. Use this method to pass tuning matrices for the MHE optimization problem: .. math:: \\underset{ \\begin{array}{c} \\mathbf{x}_{0:N+1}, \\mathbf{u}_{0:N}, p,\\\\ \\mathbf{w}_{0:N}, \\mathbf{v}_{0:N} \\end{array} }{\\mathrm{min}} &m(x_0,\\tilde{x}_0, p,\\tilde{p}) +\\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} l(v_k, w_k, p, p_{\\text{tv},k}),\\\\ &\\left.\\begin{aligned} \\mathrm{s.t.}\\quad x_{k+1} &= f(x_k,u_k,z_k,p,p_{\\text{tv},k})+ w_k,\\\\ y_k &= h(x_k,u_k,z_k,p,p_{\\text{tv},k}) + v_k, \\\\ &g(x_k,u_k,z_k,p_k,p_{\\text{tv},k}) \\leq 0 \\end{aligned}\\right\} k=0,\\dots, N where we introduce the bold letter notation, e.g. :math:`\mathbf{x}_{0:N+1}=[x_0, x_1, \dots, x_{N+1}]^T` to represent sequences and where :math:`\|x\|_P^2=x^T P x` denotes the :math:`P` weighted squared norm. Pass the weighting matrices :math:`P_x`, :math:`P_p` and :math:`P_v` and :math:`P_w`. The matrices must be of appropriate dimension and array-like. Note: It is possible to pass parameters or time-varying parameters defined in the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` as weighting. You'll probably choose time-varying parameters (``_tvp``) for ``P_v`` and ``P_w`` and parameters (``_p``) for ``P_x`` and ``P_p``. Use :py:func:`set_p_fun` and :py:func:`set_tvp_fun` to configure how these values are determined at each time step. **General remarks:** * In the case that no parameters are estimated, the weighting matrix :math:`P_p` is not required. * In the case that the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` is configured without process-noise (see :py:func:`do_mpc.model.Model.set_rhs`) the parameter ``P_w`` is not required. * In the case that the :py:class:`do_mpc.model.Model` is configured without measurement-noise (see :py:func:`do_mpc.model.Model.set_meas`) the parameter ``P_v`` is not required. The respective terms are not present in the MHE formulation in that case. Note: Use :py:func:`set_objective` as a low-level alternative for this method, if you want to use a custom objective function. Args: P_x: Tuning matrix :math:`P_x` of dimension :math:`n \\times n` :math:`(x \\in \\mathbb{R}^{n})` P_v: Tuning matrix :math:`P_v` of dimension :math:`m \\times m` :math:`(v \\in \\mathbb{R}^{m})` P_p: Tuning matrix :math:`P_p` of dimension :math:`l \\times l` :math:`(p_{\\text{est}} \\in \\mathbb{R}^{l})`) P_w: Tuning matrix :math:`P_w` of dimension :math:`k \\times k` :math:`(w \\in \\mathbb{R}^{k})` """ input_types = (np.ndarray, castools.SX, castools.MX, castools.DM) err_msg = '{name} must be of type {type_set}, you have {type_is}' assert isinstance(P_x, input_types), err_msg.format(name='P_x', type_set = input_types, type_is = type(P_x)) input_types = (np.ndarray, castools.SX, castools.MX, castools.DM, type(None)) assert isinstance(P_v, input_types), err_msg.format(name='P_v', type_set = input_types, type_is = type(P_v)) assert isinstance(P_p, input_types), err_msg.format(name='P_p', type_set = input_types, type_is = type(P_p)) assert isinstance(P_w, input_types), err_msg.format(name='P_w', type_set = input_types, type_is = type(P_w)) n_x = self.model.n_x n_y = self.model.n_y n_w = self.model.n_w n_v = self.model.n_v n_p = self.n_p_est assert P_x.shape == (n_x, n_x), 'P_x has wrong shape:{}, must be {}'.format(P_x.shape, (n_x,n_x)) # Calculate stage cost: stage_cost = castools.DM(0) if P_v is None: assert n_v == 0, 'Must pass weighting factor P_v, since you have measurement noise on some measurements (configured in model).' else: assert P_v.shape == (n_v, n_v), 'P_v has wrong shape:{}, must be {}'.format(P_v.shape, (n_v,n_v)) v = stage_cost += v.T@P_v@v if P_w is None: assert n_w == 0, 'Must pass weighting factor P_w, since you have process noise on some states (configured in model).' else: assert P_w.shape == (n_w, n_w), 'P_w has wrong shape:{}, must be {}'.format(P_w.shape, (n_w,n_w)) w = stage_cost += w.T@P_w@w # Calculate arrival cost: x_0 = self._x x_prev = self._x_prev dx = - arrival_cost = dx.T@P_x@dx # Add parameter term if there are parameters to be estimated: if P_p is None: assert n_p == 0, 'Must pass weighting factor P_p, since you are trying to estimate parameters.' else: assert P_p.shape == (n_p, n_p), 'P_p has wrong shape:{}, must be {}'.format(P_p.shape, (n_p,n_p)) p_0 = self._p_est p_prev = self._p_est_prev dp = - arrival_cost += dp.T@P_p@dp # Set MHE objective: self.set_objective(stage_cost, arrival_cost) def get_p_template(self)->Union[castools.structure3.SXStruct,castools.structure3.MXStruct]: """Obtain output template for :py:func:`set_p_fun`. This is used to set the (not estimated) parameters. Use this structure as the return of a user defined parameter function (``p_fun``) that is called at each MHE step. Pass this function to the MHE by calling :py:func:`set_p_fun`. Note: The combination of :py:func:`get_p_template` and :py:func:`set_p_fun` is identical to the :py:class:`do_mpc.simulator.Simulator` methods, if the MHE is not estimating any parameters. Returns: p_template """ return self._p_set(0) def set_p_fun(self, p_fun:Callable[[float],Union[castools.structure3.SXStruct,castools.structure3.MXStruct]])->None: """Set function which returns parameters.. The ``p_fun`` is called at each MHE time step and returns the (fixed) parameters. The function must return a numerical CasADi structure, which can be retrieved with :py:func:`get_p_template`. Args: p_fun: Parameter function. """ assert self.get_p_template().labels() == p_fun(0).labels(), 'Incorrect output of p_fun. Use get_p_template to obtain the required structure.' self.p_fun = p_fun self.flags['set_p_fun'] = True def get_y_template(self)->Union[castools.structure3.SXStruct,castools.structure3.MXStruct]: """Obtain output template for :py:func:`set_y_fun`. Use this structure as the return of a user defined parameter function (``y_fun``) that is called at each MHE step. Pass this function to the MHE by calling :py:func:`set_y_fun`. The structure carries a set of measurements **for each time step of the horizon** and can be accessed as follows: :: y_template['y_meas', k, 'meas_name'] # Slicing is possible, e.g.: y_template['y_meas', :, 'meas_name'] where ``k`` runs from ``0`` to ``N_horizon`` and ``meas_name`` refers to the user-defined names in :py:class:`do_mpc.model`. Note: The structure is ordered, sucht that ``k=0`` is the "oldest measurement" and ``k=N_horizon`` is the newest measurement. By default, the following measurement function is choosen: :: y_template = self.get_y_template() def y_fun(t_now): n_steps = min([0], self.n_horizon) for k in range(-n_steps,0): y_template['y_meas',k] =[k] try: for k in range(self.n_horizon-n_steps): y_template['y_meas',k] =[-n_steps] except: None return y_template Which simply reads the last results from the ```` object. Returns: y_template """ y_template =[ castools.entry('y_meas', repeat=self.settings.n_horizon, struct=self._y_meas) ]) return y_template(0) def set_y_fun(self, y_fun:Callable[[float],Union[castools.structure3.SXStruct,castools.structure3.MXStruct]])->None: """Set the measurement function. The function must return a CasADi structure which can be obtained from :py:func:`get_y_template`. See the respective doc string for details. Args: y_fun: measurement function. """ assert self.get_y_template().labels() == y_fun(0).labels(), 'Incorrect output of y_fun. Use get_y_template to obtain the required structure.' self.y_fun = y_fun self.flags['set_y_fun'] = True def _check_validity(self)->None: """Private method to be called in :py:func:`setup`. Checks if the configuration is valid and if the optimization problem can be constructed. Furthermore, default values are set if they were not configured by the user (if possible). Specifically, we set dummy values for the ``tvp_fun`` and ``p_fun`` if they are not present in the model and the default measurement function. """ # Objective mus be defined. if self.flags['set_objective'] == False: raise Exception('Objective is undefined. Please call .set_objective() or .set_default_objective() prior to .setup().') # tvp_fun must be set, if tvp are defined in model. if self.flags['set_tvp_fun'] == False and self.model._tvp.size > 0: raise Exception('You have not supplied a function to obtain the time-varying parameters defined in model. Use .set_tvp_fun() prior to setup.') # p_fun must be set, if p are defined in model. if self.flags['set_p_fun'] == False and self._p_set.size > 0: raise Exception('You have not supplied a function to obtain the parameters defined in model. Use .set_p_fun() prior to setup.') # Lower bounds should be lower than upper bounds: for lb, ub in zip([self._x_lb, self._u_lb, self._z_lb], [self._x_ub, self._u_ub, self._z_ub]): bound_check = > bound_fail = [label_i for i,label_i in enumerate(lb.labels()) if bound_check[i]] if np.any(bound_check): raise Exception('Your bounds are inconsistent. For {} you have lower bound > upper bound.'.format(bound_fail)) # Set dummy functions for tvp and p in case these parameters are unused. if 'tvp_fun' not in self.__dict__: _tvp = self.get_tvp_template() def tvp_fun(t): return _tvp self.set_tvp_fun(tvp_fun) if 'p_fun' not in self.__dict__: _p = self.get_p_template() def p_fun(t): return _p self.set_p_fun(p_fun) if self.flags['set_y_fun'] == False and self.settings.meas_from_data: # Case that measurement function is automatically created. y_template = self.get_y_template() def y_fun(t_now): n_steps = min([0], self.settings.n_horizon) for k in range(-n_steps,0): y_template['y_meas',k] =[k] try: for k in range(self.settings.n_horizon-n_steps): y_template['y_meas',k] =[-n_steps] except: None return y_template self.set_y_fun(y_fun) elif self.flags['set_y_fun'] == True: # Case that the user supplied a measurement function. pass else: # No measurement function. raise Exception('You have not suppplied a measurement function. Use .set_y_fun or set parameter meas_from_data to True for default function.') def set_initial_guess(self)->None: """Initial guess for optimization variables. Uses the current class attributes :py:obj:`x0`, :py:obj:`z0` and :py:obj:`u0`, :py:obj:`p_est0` to create an initial guess for the MHE. The initial guess is simply the initial values for all :math:`k=0,\dots,N` instances of :math:`x_k`, :math:`u_k` and :math:`z_k`, :math:`p_{\\text{est,k}}`. Warnings: If no initial values for :py:attr:`x0`, :py:attr:`z0` and :py:attr:`u0` were supplied during setup, these default to zero. Note: The initial guess is fully customizable by directly setting values on the class attribute: :py:attr:`opt_x_num`. """ assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'mhe was not setup yet. Please call mhe.setup().' self.opt_x_num['_x'] = self.opt_x_num['_u'] = self.opt_x_num['_z'] = self.opt_x_num['_p_est'] = self.flags['set_initial_guess'] = True def setup(self)->None: """The setup method finalizes the MHE creation. The optimization problem is created based on the configuration of the module. Note: After this call, the :py:func:`solve` and :py:func:`make_step` method is applicable. """ self.prepare_nlp() self.create_nlp() def make_step(self, y0:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: """Main method of the class during runtime. This method is called at each timestep and returns the current state estimate for the current measurement ``y0``. The method prepares the MHE by setting the current parameters, calls :py:func:`solve` and updates the :py:class:`` object. Warnings: Moving horizon estimation will only work reliably once **a full sequence of measurements** corresponding to the set horizon ist available. Args: y0: Current measurement. Returns: x0, estimated state of the system. """ # Check setup. assert self.flags['setup'] == True, 'optimizer was not setup yet. Please call optimizer.setup().' # Check input type. if isinstance(y0, (np.ndarray, castools.DM)): pass elif isinstance(y0, castools.structure3.DMStruct): y0 = else: raise Exception('Invalid type {} for y0. Must be {}'.format(type(y0), (np.ndarray, castools.DM, castools.structure3.DMStruct))) # Check input shape. n_val = assert n_val == self.model.n_y, 'Wrong input with shape {}. Expected vector with {} elements'.format(n_val, self.model.n_y) # Check (once) if the initial guess was supplied. if not self.flags['set_initial_guess']: warnings.warn('Intial guess for the optimizer was not set. The solver call is likely to fail.') time.sleep(5) # Since do-mpc is warmstarting, the initial guess will exist after the first call. self.flags['set_initial_guess'] = True = y0) p_est0 = self._p_est0 x0 = self._x0 t0 = self._t0 tvp0 = self.tvp_fun(t0) p_set0 = self.p_fun(t0) y_traj = self.y_fun(t0) self.opt_p_num['_x_prev'] = self.opt_x_num['_x', 1, -1]*self._x_scaling self.opt_p_num['_p_est_prev'] = p_est0 self.opt_p_num['_p_set'] = p_set0 self.opt_p_num['_tvp'] = tvp0['_tvp'] self.opt_p_num['_y_meas'] = y_traj['y_meas'] self.solve() # Extract solution: x_next = self.opt_x_num['_x', -1, -1]*self._x_scaling p_est_next = self.opt_x_num['_p_est']*self._p_est_scaling u0 = self.opt_x_num['_u', -1]*self._u_scaling # Which z must be extracted here? z0 = self.opt_x_num['_z', -1, -1]*self._z_scaling aux0 = self.opt_aux_num['_aux', -1] p0 = self._p_cat_fun(p_est0, p_set0) # Update data object: = x0) = u0) = z0) = p0) = tvp0['_tvp', -1]) = t0) = aux0) # Store additional information = self.opt_p_num) if self.settings.store_full_solution == True: opt_x_num_unscaled = self.opt_x_num_unscaled opt_aux_num = self.opt_aux_num = opt_x_num_unscaled) = opt_aux_num) if self.settings.store_lagr_multiplier == True: lam_g_num = self.lam_g_num = lam_g_num) if len(self.settings.store_solver_stats) > 0: solver_stats = self.solver_stats store_solver_stats = self.settings.store_solver_stats**{stat_i: value for stat_i, value in solver_stats.items() if stat_i in store_solver_stats}) # Update initial self._t0 = self._t0 + self.settings.t_step self._x0.master = x_next self._p_est0.master = p_est_next self._u0.master = u0 self._z0.master = z0 return x_next.full() def _update_bounds(self): """Private method to update the bounds of the optimization variables based on the current values defined with :py:attr:`scaling`. Note: Bounds are automatically scaled as they invoke the :py:attr:lb_opt_x` and :py:attr:`ub_opt_x` methods. Scaling is done automatically in these methods. """ if self.settings.cons_check_colloc_points: # Constraints for all collocation points. # Bounds for the states on all discretize values along the horizon self.lb_opt_x['_x'] = self.ub_opt_x['_x'] = # Bounds for the algebraic states along the horizon self.lb_opt_x['_z'] = self.ub_opt_x['_z'] = else: # Constraints only at the beginning of the finite Element # Bounds for the states on all discretize values along the horizon self.lb_opt_x['_x', 1:self.settings.n_horizon, -1] = self.ub_opt_x['_x', 1:self.settings.n_horizon, -1] = # Bounds for the algebraic states along the horizon self.lb_opt_x['_z', :, 0] = self.ub_opt_x['_z', :, 0] = # Bounds for the inputs along the horizon self.lb_opt_x['_u'] = self.ub_opt_x['_u'] = # Bounds for the slack variables along the horizon: self.lb_opt_x['_eps'] = self.ub_opt_x['_eps'] = # Bounds for the inputs along the horizon self.lb_opt_x['_p_est'] = self.ub_opt_x['_p_est'] = def _prepare_nlp(self): """Internal method. See detailed documentation in optimizer.prepare_nlp """ self.settings.check_for_mandatory_settings() nl_cons_input = self.model['x', 'u', 'z', 'tvp'] nl_cons_input += [self._p_est, self._p_set] self._setup_nl_cons(nl_cons_input) self._check_validity() # Concatenate _p_est_scaling und _p_set_scaling to p_scaling (and make it a struct again) self._p_scaling = self.model._p(self._p_cat_fun(self._p_est_scaling, self._p_set_scaling)) # Obtain an integrator (collocation, discrete-time) and the amount of intermediate (collocation) points ifcn, n_total_coll_points = self._setup_discretization() # How many slack variables (for soft constraints) are introduced over the horizon. if self.settings.nl_cons_single_slack: n_eps = 1 else: n_eps = self.settings.n_horizon # Create struct for optimization variables: self._opt_x = opt_x =[ castools.entry('_x', repeat=[self.settings.n_horizon+1, 1+n_total_coll_points], struct=self.model._x), castools.entry('_z', repeat=[self.settings.n_horizon, max(n_total_coll_points,1)], struct=self.model._z), castools.entry('_u', repeat=[self.settings.n_horizon], struct=self.model._u), castools.entry('_w', repeat=[self.settings.n_horizon], struct=self.model._w), castools.entry('_v', repeat=[self.settings.n_horizon], struct=self.model._v), castools.entry('_eps', repeat=[n_eps], struct=self._eps), castools.entry('_p_est', struct=self._p_est), ]) self.n_opt_x = opt_x.shape[0] # NOTE: The entry _x[k,:] starts with the collocation points from s to b at time k # and the last point contains the child node # NOTE: Currently there exist dummy collocation points for the initial state (for each branch) # Create scaling struct as assign values for _x, _u, _z. self.opt_x_scaling = opt_x_scaling = opt_x(1) opt_x_scaling['_x'] = self._x_scaling # TODO: Should _w be scaled? opt_x_scaling['_z'] = self._z_scaling opt_x_scaling['_u'] = self._u_scaling opt_x_scaling['_p_est'] = self._p_est_scaling # opt_x are unphysical (scaled) variables. opt_x_unscaled are physical (unscaled) variables. self.opt_x_unscaled = opt_x_unscaled = opt_x( * opt_x_scaling) # Create struct for optimization parameters: self._opt_p = opt_p =[ castools.entry('_x_prev', struct=self.model._x), castools.entry('_p_est_prev', struct=self._p_est_prev), castools.entry('_p_set', struct=self._p_set), castools.entry('_tvp', repeat=self.settings.n_horizon, struct=self.model._tvp), castools.entry('_y_meas', repeat=self.settings.n_horizon, struct=self.model._y), ]) self.n_opt_p = opt_p.shape[0] # Dummy struct with symbolic variables self.aux_struct =[ castools.entry('_aux', repeat=[self.settings.n_horizon], struct=self.model._aux_expression) ]) # Create mutable symbolic expression from the struct defined above. self._opt_aux = opt_aux = self.n_opt_aux = opt_aux.shape[0] self._lb_opt_x = opt_x(-np.inf) self._ub_opt_x = opt_x(np.inf) # Initialize objective function and constraints obj = castools.DM(0) cons = [] cons_lb = [] cons_ub = [] # Arrival cost: arrival_cost = self.arrival_cost_fun( opt_x_unscaled['_x', 0, -1], opt_p['_x_prev'],#/self._x_scaling, opt_x_unscaled['_p_est'], opt_p['_p_est_prev'],#/self._p_est_scaling opt_p['_p_set'] ) obj += arrival_cost # Get concatenated parameters vector containing the estimated and fixed parameters (scaled) _p = self._p_cat_fun(opt_x['_p_est'], opt_p['_p_set']/self._p_set_scaling) # For all control intervals for k in range(self.settings.n_horizon): # Compute constraints and predicted next state of the discretization scheme col_xk = castools.vertcat(*opt_x['_x', k+1, :-1]) col_zk = castools.vertcat(*opt_x['_z', k]) [g_ksb, xf_ksb] = ifcn(opt_x['_x', k, -1], col_xk, opt_x['_u', k], col_zk, opt_p['_tvp', k], _p, opt_x['_w', k]) # Compute current measurement yk_calc = self.model._meas_fun(opt_x_unscaled['_x', k+1, -1], opt_x_unscaled['_u', k], opt_x_unscaled['_z', k, 0], opt_p['_tvp', k], _p, opt_x_unscaled['_v', k]) # Add the collocation equations cons.append(g_ksb) cons_lb.append(np.zeros(g_ksb.shape[0])) cons_ub.append(np.zeros(g_ksb.shape[0])) # Add continuity constraints cons.append(xf_ksb - opt_x['_x', k+1, -1]) cons_lb.append(np.zeros((self.model.n_x, 1))) cons_ub.append(np.zeros((self.model.n_x, 1))) # Add measurement constraints cons.append(yk_calc - opt_p['_y_meas', k]) cons_lb.append(np.zeros((self.model.n_y, 1))) cons_ub.append(np.zeros((self.model.n_y, 1))) k_eps = min(k, n_eps-1) if self.settings.nl_cons_check_colloc_points: # Ensure nonlinear constraints on all collocation points for i in range(n_total_coll_points): nl_cons_k = self._nl_cons_fun( opt_x_unscaled['_x', k, i], opt_x_unscaled['_u', k], opt_x_unscaled['_z', k, i], opt_p['_tvp', k], opt_x['_p_est'], opt_p['_p_set'], opt_x_unscaled['_eps', k_eps]) cons.append(nl_cons_k) cons_lb.append(self._nl_cons_lb) cons_ub.append(self._nl_cons_ub) else: # Ensure nonlinear constraints only on the beginning of the FE nl_cons_k = self._nl_cons_fun( opt_x_unscaled['_x', k, -1], opt_x_unscaled['_u', k], opt_x_unscaled['_z', k, 0], opt_p['_tvp', k], opt_x['_p_est'], opt_p['_p_set'], opt_x_unscaled['_eps', k_eps]) cons.append(nl_cons_k) cons_lb.append(self._nl_cons_lb) cons_ub.append(self._nl_cons_ub) cons.append(nl_cons_k) cons_lb.append(self._nl_cons_lb) cons_ub.append(self._nl_cons_ub) obj += self.stage_cost_fun( opt_x_unscaled['_w', k], opt_x_unscaled['_v', k], opt_p['_tvp', k], _p ) # Add slack variables to the cost obj += self.epsterm_fun(opt_x_unscaled['_eps', k_eps]) # Calculate the auxiliary expressions for the current scenario: opt_aux['_aux', k] = self.model._aux_expression_fun( opt_x_unscaled['_x', k, -1], opt_x_unscaled['_u', k], opt_x_unscaled['_z', k, -1], opt_p['_tvp', k], _p) self._update_bounds() # Write all created elements to self: self._nlp_obj = obj self._nlp_cons = cons self._nlp_cons_lb = cons_lb self._nlp_cons_ub = cons_ub # Initialize copies of structures with numerical values (all zero): self._opt_x_num = self._opt_x(0) self.opt_x_num_unscaled = self._opt_x(0) self._opt_p_num = self._opt_p(0) self.opt_aux_num = self._opt_aux(0) self.flags['prepare_nlp'] = True def _create_nlp(self)->None: """Internal method. See detailed documentation in optimizer.create_nlp """ self._nlp_cons = castools.vertcat(*self._nlp_cons) self._nlp_cons_lb = castools.vertcat(*self._nlp_cons_lb) self._nlp_cons_ub = castools.vertcat(*self._nlp_cons_ub) # Validity check: _test_obj_fun = castools.Function('f', [self._opt_x, self._opt_p], [self._nlp_obj]) _test_cons_fun = castools.Function('f', [self._opt_x, self._opt_p], [self._nlp_cons]) try: _test_obj_fun(self.opt_x_num,self.opt_p_num) except: err_msg = 'The MHE optimization problem objective function contains unknown symbolic variables.' raise Exception(err_msg) try: _test_cons_fun(self.opt_x_num,self.opt_p_num) except: err_msg = 'The MHE optimization problem constraint function contains unknown symbolic variables.' raise Exception(err_msg) self.n_opt_lagr = self._nlp_cons.shape[0] # Create casadi optimization object: nlpsol_opts = { 'expand': False, 'ipopt.linear_solver': 'mumps', }.update(self.settings.nlpsol_opts) self.nlp = {'x': castools.vertcat(self._opt_x), 'f': self._nlp_obj, 'g': self._nlp_cons, 'p': castools.vertcat(self._opt_p)} self.S = castools.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', self.nlp, self.settings.nlpsol_opts) # Create function to caculate all auxiliary expressions: self.opt_aux_expression_fun = castools.Function('opt_aux_expression_fun', [self._opt_x, self._opt_p], [self._opt_aux]) # Gather meta information: meta_data = {key: getattr(self.settings, key) for key in asdict(self.settings).keys()}**meta_data) self._prepare_data() self.flags['setup'] = True